Profile – Indeed

Company: Indeed
Launched: March 30, 2005
Location: Stamford CT

What is it?

Indeed is not a newly launched site, but the job space seems to be heating up and so we are going to profile a number of web 2.0 jobs-related sites and services in the coming week. Upcoming profiles include simply hired, Yorz, Glendor Showcase and others.

At its core, Indeed is a vertical search engine for jobs. It has a huge data set – Indeed gathers jobs from nearly every job website (including, CareerBuilder, Hotjobs, craigslist and others), makes the jobs searchable via title, company, keyword and/or location, and presents results to the user. Search results can be further narrowed via suggested keywords.

Importantly, once you find the job results you are looking for, you can have future job postings that meet those search criteria delivered to you via email alerts or RSS. This “prospective search” functionality is a key web 2.0 feature.

All services are free for users. The site includes advertisements to generate revenue, and also partners with other sites.

Additional Tools and Features:

Indeed has some other interesting features and tools as well. For instance, click on their Job Trends link and see a map of the United States showing total number of job postings visually. You can easily zoom into any specific area. This page also shows major metropolitan areas, ranked by total number of job postings per 1,000 people. Today (August 4, 2005), San Jose is #1, with 73 job postings per 1,000 people. Oklahoma City is last, with just 12 job postings per 1,000 people.

Indeed also has a Webmaster Tools area, where you can get code to display a jobroll or Indeed search box on your blog. You can also access Indeed’s XML API to integrate Indeed’s job listings in a more customized way on your website.

Indeed’s corporate blog is here.


Paul Forster
Rony Kahan

Additional Links:

Indeed’s news site, Joel Cheesman, WSJ, John Battelle